Holy wow, it’s been one heck of a week. It started with me having to pick up a bat to remove him/her from my living room in the middle of the day and “ended” with a power outage that lasted 18 hours. In the middle there was the death of a friend that has left me in shock, even days later. I don’t want to dwell on any of that though. Let’s focus on some fun and positive things.

Thing #1
Tomorrow I’ll be modding on Twitch all day. My friend, SylverDreamer, is celebrating his two year streamaversary! There will be community games all day long and giveaways. Personally, I’m hoping to win some goodies myself. That starts at 12:30 pm eastern at http://twitch.tv/SylverDreamer .
Thing #2
I wanted to let all of you know that on November 4th and 5th, I’ll be in Midland, Michigan at the mall for the Fett’s Holiday Market. I’ll have a table set up there, so come and buy your books, prints, stickers, and pins. If you’ve already purchased a book off of Amazon, bring it for me to sign! I would love to meet all of you. Remember that books make the perfect holiday gifts and prints, stickers, and pins make great stocking stuffers!
I’m going to leave you there for now. Starting next week, watch for these updates to happen on Wednesday afternoons. The oldest has class about 30 minutes away so I’ll be driving him and hanging out at the local Starbucks while he’s in class. I figured it was the perfect time to get some work and writing done.
Have a great week!

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