I can’t believe it, but it’s November 1st already. That means that today is the first day of NaNoWriMo! Every year I tell myself that I don’t have the time and this year it is more true than ever. With the kid’s school schedule and everything else, I don’t know when I’ll fit in time for writing an entire book. I also feel the littlest bit guilty starting a new book when I don’t have the art done for Holidays at the Toy Store. Still, I’m hopeful that I make enough money at Fett’s Holiday Market this weekend to take care of that. Soooo…NaNo, anyone?
Other than that, there’s not a whole lot new happening. Roger and I will be at Fett’s Holiday Market this coming weekend. I’ll have all four books as well as prints, bookmarks, pins and stickers. I may even have  single copy of Cthulhu Invades with me. I’ll be restocking on those for the show in March. If I have one, it will be out on the table! If you’re in the area, stop by the mall and say hi. We’ll be by the kids play zone near the food court. 

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