As some people know, during the school year, I’m a full time Psychology student. During the summer, I’m a full time SAHM to my 2 fabulous boys. What this all means is zero income. We live off of child support and alimony (which trust me, isn’t much) and the bit of financial aid I may have left. My wonderful, fabulous (/end sarcasm) ex-husband left me with a ton of credit card bills and I’m struggling to make it. What’s the point of this sob story you might ask… Well, it’s that I found this new mommy blog today (All Things Frugal) and she talks about her goal of paying off a credit card and how she’s finding extra money to do it. I would love, love, love to have at least one less bill, so I’m trying it her way. Now, here’s where all of you come in. I’m going to ask you all to do me big favors and sign up for these sites too. What the heck, you can earn some money to pay off something or to save up for something yummy..(Do I hear a new Pazzles in any of your minds?) So, please check them out. I get referral monies for both of these; $10 for each of you who sign up for Revolution Money Exchange and 20% of what each of you may earn for CashCrate. So follow the linkies, ladies…(& gents, if you’re reading.)

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange

4 thoughts on “Money Needed?

  1. I think I already belong to CashCrate but I don’t do much with it. I’ll check out that blog and the revolution thingy, which I’ve heard about before.

    Looks like we’re in the same boat although I haven’t went back to school yet. Wonderful (also being sarcastic) soon-to-be ex and bunches of debt with ’bout no income!

    BTW: I love your header… it’s a beaut.

  2. What a pretty blog you have Katie! I’m going to check into Cash Crate too.

    Thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog. Just a tip-Dick Blick Art Materials often has canvasses on sale, and free shipping codes too. This is their site address:

    Also, our local Michaels store just started carrying canvasses, and they’re pretty reasonable. Possibly another option.

  3. I *love* your blog!
    It’s so pretty. I’m a scrapper, too.
    And, *woo hoo* to paying off debt!
    I’ll be here to cheer you on girl!
    It’s difficult, but can be done.
    Thanks for linking to my site.

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