Guys, it’s happening! After months of trying to figure out how to make it happen, it’s happening. I’ve spoken with both Maxx and Eric and they’ve agreed to take payment from the Kickstarter campaign! That means that instead of me worrying over where to find the funds to pay them, I just get to gush about how awesome this book is and raise the funds to not only pay them but to take the book to print. 

Plus, I have a secret I’ve been keeping. The campaign will be not for just Holidays at the Toy Store, but also my first ever coloring book! People have been asking for one for the past couple of years and finally, it’s going to be ready to go! It will be filled with all of the images from the books plus some extra images. Each picture will be on the right side of the page with the reverse being blank. This should help prevent bleed through. I can’t wait to share it with all of you.
I can’t begin to express how excited I am to be able to share both of these books with you. A lot has gone into them and a lot more will before they’re ready for printing and shipping. Maxx and Eric are already hard at work on interiors and covers. I’m going to be touching base with Phoebe about the blurb. Then, I have to record the audio for the campaign video and build the page. 
So, lots to go! But keep your eyes right here and I’ll post updates as they happen!

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