Social Spark Continued

For those of you who love getting paid to blog or those of you looking for those of us who love being paid, have you checked out SocialSpark, yet? In their words, Social Spark is “is a Social Marketing Network that connects advertisers and bloggers through an online advertising marketplace.” Perfect for those of us on both sides of the fence!

I know that all of you probably read my previous post about Social Spark, but guess what! I’m back with even more information for those of you who still may be on the fence.

Let me start with their code of ethics. It’s so nice to see a company out there that actually cares about ethics. Their code is so easy, just four simple points:

100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure – You guys trust me and I would hate to lost that trust, so Social Spark makes sure that I let all of you know what I’m being paid for one of my posts (like this one!).

100% Transparency – Every participant is viewable to you, the public! You can check and see which advertisers I’m working with and which opportunities.

100% Real Opinions – It’s up to me to pick the opportunities that I really want to write about. You’ll always get my opinion, not someone else’s that I’ve been told to copy and paste into my blog.

100% Search Engine Friendly – Each of the sponsored links that you’ll find in my posts carry the no-follow attribute which helps to protect this blog from being penalized for paid links.

Now, like I said before this was wonderfully easy to setup and one of the things I love the most? Unlike other paid blogging sites, the opportunities are so easy to find! If you find one that you’re interested in and it’s full, just put your name on the waiting list! No more checking a million times a day for an opportunity. If you haven’t checked out SocialSpark, let me encourage you to do it today!

Sponsored by SocialSpark

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