Do you live in Europe? Are you looking for Graduate opportunities? Then, check out EuroGraduate Live, a website devoted to helping Graduates find Graduate Careers and Job Information throughout Europe.

When you first access the site, you may be confused. I know that I was. The front page is filled with news stories. The top ones all seem to be random news of the strange type articles, but below are some sections that could be really useful for Graduates looking for information on different fields.

One thing that I really do like about this site is the different areas that it covers: Careers, Education, Working Abroad and Lifestyle.

Lifestyle is filled with news article on things like the entertainment industry. Working abroad has a map that you can click on that will take you to tips on presenting your CV and preparing for a job interview in the country that you’re interested in working in.

Now, if you want to further your education, the Education is where you should head. It has a searchable database of courses and research programs. All you have to do is click on the subject that you’re interested in and it will pull up what you’re interested in. For example, I clicked on linguists as a course and it pulled me up a list of courses located from South Africa to the United Kingdom.

Last, but certainly not least is the Career section. You can search by Organization, Industry, Occupation, Degree/Diploma or even Country. This is super quick and easy to use!

Amazingly enough, they also have a paper publication that they have taken the time to put up online, all 196 pages of it. I didn’t take the time to read this, but it looked to be chockfull of information on working abroad, starting your career and information on different areas of industry.

This site is easy to navigate and full of great information. I would seriously recommend it to anyone I knew who was looking for Graduate information for Europe.

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