Goodbye, my darling…


I’m devestated to have to say that my sweet boy, my Sylver kitty has died. I found him in the closet this afternoon and I dont think I’ve stopped crying since. He was a hellion, this one. He used to hide under the table and jump out at the boys. He was obsessed with water. He would walk the edge of the tub while I had a shower, just being there. He was my salvation through the darkest hours of this past year. I am totally heartbroken over this. I adored this crazy little boy, my Sylly…


2 thoughts on “Goodbye, my darling…

  1. Syl will be missed by one and all who knew him. He could be so affectionate one minute and a feral beast the next. I think that is what I will remember about him best. Sure, he beat the heck out of my arm, but he was having fun, and I was having fun … and of course you spent all your time saying “knock it off you two”.
    He left us before his time. Farewell, you sweet demonic little furball.

  2. We lost our Thirty Dog in March. We’d had him 2 years, and I couldn’t remember not having him. I understand from losing him the devastated feeling that you have right now. I’ll be praying for your family. XO

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