Wow, I can’t believe that I dropped on the ball on posting for so long. I cannot apologize enough for this. I love interacting with everyone, but life just sort of swallowed me up. Let me see if I can do a quick rundown of life over the past 6 months or so.
As some of you know, my oldest son has cerebral palsy. This prevents him from being able to drive. He’s also taking college courses so I became his official driver and tutor. This takes up a lot of time and while I have no regrets, I didn’t learn how to balance everything else along side of it. It’s a new semester now and we’re gone even more than last semester for his classes.
On top of that, we have the house issue. Unfortunately, that’s ongoing. We were supposed to buy the house in May, but due to circumstances, I cannot get a loan. The owners, even though we’ve never missed a rent payment in over 15 years, would not sell to use on a land contract. What does that mean? We’re living here on borrowed time while I desperately attempt to save up about $16,000 to allow us to buy a used trailer so that we can move out of here. It won’t be the nicest home, but it will be ours, and a safe space for myself, the kids, and the cats. As you can imagine, this is very stressful and also interfered with things.
Due to my feeling of urgency to move, we took the summer and downsized our belongings and took a weekend to completely gut our barn. We didn’t know it was leaking and so many things were ruined. It broke my heart and my bank account, but we filled a dumpster and now everything is packed away in totes. No carboard allowed out there.
I’m sure there were other things, but those were the big ones. It’s been a stressful and busy time. Now that the semester has started, I’m hoping that my editing work picks up so I can continue to put away money so that we can get out of here before the owners kick us out with nowhere to go. I’m also hoping to start the next book in our cat series by the end of the year. I know I’m behind on that and all I can do is apologize.
One good thing that I have added is Twitch streaming! That’s right! Every Thursday night, you can tune in and listen to me read stories from my books. Right now, I’m reading from Return to the Toy Store. This is also a great time to have the opportunity to chat with not just me, but people from all over the world. I promise that it’s a great time and completely safe for your children to tune in and listen too! Just head over to http://twitch.tv/katieroets every Thursday night at 8pm eastern. The streams are just over an hour so not a huge time commitment and something that I’m very much enjoying!
Okay, I’ve kept you long enough. Just know that I’m still here and doing my best to stay on top of things. I hope you’re still here with me!