Well, after the bat drama of Wednesday night, I couldn’t escape the house fast enough on Thursday to run those errands. Ok, plus I totally procrastinated coming back to the house as well. The boys had dentist appointments at 2pm and with everything from the night before, we slept in. What does that mean? No lunch before we left! So, for this week’s time for me, I splurged and spent $10 on lunch for the 3 of us at a hotdog place in Hastings. The food was good and the company (my two boys) was even better. So, now I challenge all of you who check in here to take some time and spend it with someone you love.
Friday…oh Friday…it seems so long ago. Ok, so it has been more than a few days! On Friday, I didn’t complete a darned thing! No wait, that’s not totally true. I made myself leave the bedroom (did I mention I’m afraid of bats?) and got showered and packed and I took off for Corunna. I miss it over there sometimes. I spent some time with some friends I hadn’t seen in years and loved every second of it. So, what did I finish? I took my nephew’s birthday present to him! He turned a year old on July 11th and I didn’t get it to him before and his mom forgot to take it with her when she was out here last. Now, I just have to find the time and creativity to do something for my older nephew (he’s 13 already!) and my older niece. I’d love to buy them something great but I don’t have the money, so I’ll just have to be inventive!
Woo! Monday! Monday was one looong day here at the Roets hacienda. We had to drive into Charlotte (pronounced Shar-lot) to deal with governmental types. Ugh! We got there at 8:30 and I don’t think we left that office until after 10am. Then, they were less than helpful. I hate people who don’t know how to do their jobs. Seriously. Anyway, then it was off to Walmart to pick up a couple of things and the boys and I decided to check out the Goodwill store there. They have this one section that is nothing but clearance types and we got a couple of movies for 59cents each! I think this is going to be our new Amvets. Then, the governmental type people called me and we had to go back into their office. Oy! At least this time they were helpful. By the time we got back to the house, it was nearly 3pm and we were all wiped. We had a late lunch, so we didn’t even have dinner! So, since it’s technically Wednesday…I need to figure out meals!
Monday-No dinner…late lunch.
Tuesday- Picked up A&W 99c coney dogs after grocery shopping
Wednesday- Tacos
Thursday- Chili
Friday- Pizza (homemade)
Saturday- Brats & Baked Beans
Sunday- Breakfast for Dinner day …either french toast or omelettes
Well, we finally got some grocery money so my big tackle for Tuesday? We went grocery shopping. Now to some, this is no big deal. For us, it’s an adventure. To get decent groceries (and semi-decent prices), we have to drive into Grand Ledge which is about 20-30 minutes away. Then, since we were basically out of most everything and since I don’t know where anything is in the store, we have to go up and down every aisle. We left the house somewhere between 2:30 and 3pm yesterday and it was 7pm’ish when we pulled back into the driveway. Oh if that were the end of it! Then we have to unload the van …ok, I unload the van onto the back porch, while the boys haul bags into the kitchen, quite often fighting along the way. Then, we managed to at least get the perishables put away before we all collapsed into exhaustion. Even Roger was yawning and saying how tired he was when I tucked them into bed less than 2 hours later.
So that’s me, all caught up! Did you guys tackle anything? Pamper yourselves? Make menus? Let me know!