Brrr…is it cold where you are? I wouldn’t say that it’s precisely cold here, but the house thermostat read 65 when I checked it a few minutes ago. I’m starting to think that it’s time to start closing up some of the windows before I go to bed at night. I love this time of year, but I like to be warm and cozy, not waking up shivering. *grins*

Which has given me a delicious idea for today’s post. I think I mentioned yesterday that one of my favorite things about this time of year was hot cocoa. Now, I confess. It can’t be just any hot cocoa. Yes, I’m a cocoa snob it seems. Ok, that’s not true. I won’t turn my nose up if you hand me a mug of something, but I have a preference.

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to spend a summer in England. Man, I loved that summer. There were so many wonderful people to spend time with, so many things to see, so many things to try! One of the things that I tried and got hooked on was Cadbury’s Drinking Chocolate. Actually, now that I think on it, I was hooked before then. Some friends of mine who were stationed over there sent me some as a thank you gift and that was it! So, when I went to England, you know darned well that I brought some back with me! Since then, I’ve convinced friends of mine, who are over there, to send me some for my birthday each year so I always have some in stock.

So today, I’m going to find some time to make me a mug and then perhaps I’ll curl up in my favorite chair and just relax with it. What will you do for you?


Fine printish type stuff: After receiving some interest, I’m going to attempt to add a MckLinky to these and my Friday posts. I can’t wait to see if anyone adds their links!

One thought on “Time for Me Thursday

  1. I love that idea! Though it is definitely not chilly around here. Right now, where I live, we have the windows open. It's 79* and toasty. Although, admittedly, Hubby and I like it best around the upper 60s and lower 70s.

    Enjoy your cocoa today, sit back and just relax!

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