Tackle it Tuesday – Laundry Monster

Happy Tuesday all! Hopefully you’re having a nice warm sunny day unlike here. I love Autumn, but has anyone else noticed that the dreary days just seem colder even if they’re not?

So I’m a little sad to say that a few of my regular commenters seem to have vanished. I’m going to have to head over to their blogs and give them some pokes..loving pokes, of course. Kath and nickle, where the heck are you girls? Kath could be entirely busy with prepping for her new radio show that’s on TrainREK on Sunday nights. I haven’t had the chance to listen to it yet, but I bet it’s great. As soon as I get a link to their website, I’ll be sure to post it. I believe it’s of a geeky nature, so those who like geek stuffs will probably love it.

As for me, I’m busy doing laundry. I totally confess that I let it get away from me and now I’m working on catching up again. In the process, I’ve also redone how the boys clothes are stored here at the house. Their soon’ish to be stepmother seemed a bit overly concerned that I send a new shirt back on Sunday, so I’ve decided to inventory their clothes here to see if I even need for them to send clothes over here. It turns out that I really don’t. Granted, I’m going to need to find them some more jeans and some heavier shirts, but not having her send clothes over rules out any clothing issues that she might come up with. So, I think I’ll put the call out here…if anyone has any size 8-10 clothing that their sons have outgrown and you’re looking for a new home, please think of me. I can’t afford much but I could probably at least pay for the shipping on it.

So what are all of you doing? Is your laundry all caught up? If so, have you gone through it to remove outgrown/worn out items? I challenge all of you to do that. ๐Ÿ™‚


3 thoughts on “Tackle it Tuesday – Laundry Monster

  1. I haven't been posting (or commenting) much lately either. Just haven't been online much. Although it appears that I have been thanks to scheduled postings. ๐Ÿ™‚ Gotta love that!

    My boys are in that size as well, but when I'm out looking for the boys (I have found some incredible deals lately) I'll keep your boys in mind as well!

    When you're done folding the laundry there – you can come here and fold it. Over the weekend I did so many loads of laundry but I, um, didn't fold it. So it's all sitting there on the spare bed in our basement, just waiting patiently to be folded. Nice how patient the laundry is. It just sits there, quietly, patiently, and allows me to go about my day. LOL! Okay, this is getting long for a comment….(I think I'm a bit tired this morning – I get chatty when I'm tired)

    Anyhow, good luck to you! Talk to you soon!

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