Hello! Hello! Happy Friday! I’m determined that it’s going to be a happy day even if it’s raining…again! I’ve pretty much given up on the idea that I’m going to have nice days to get outside and prep the flower beds for the spring. Instead, I’m thinking that come early spring, I’m going to have a “Garden Day” where I invite family and friends over for a day of hanging out together and whipping these flower beds into shape. In exchange, they get the joy of seeing work done, helping out a friend and delicious food because I take care of my helpers..hehe.

As for today, I’m headed into Hastings to pick up Ben for the weekend. We’ll be doing pumpkins and I’m not quite sure what else. He’s not into crafting as much as his brother, but we may do a 2nd bird feeder, this one made out of a 2 liter soda bottle.

My Finish It Friday challenge, for you and for me, is to check out that fridge. A couple of days ago, I told y’all how to check the seals. Now, we’re going to check something else. Open those fridge doors and take a good look inside. If your fridge looks like mine, it’s filled with containers of leftovers and very possibly some food that has gotten shoved to the back and needs to be thrown out. Ewwww!

The holidays are coming and we need to make some room in those fridges for all of the goodies that come along with those days. If you’re like me, you love to cook and to bake and to create delicious treats. Well, to do that, we need room in the fridge for those ingredients and then for some of those delicious creations. Take the time today to make your holidays easier and get those fridges cleared out!


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