(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Wow, I almost didn’t get this picture in today. I knew exactly what picture I wanted for the Sunday Shutterbugs theme of old and I just couldn’t find it. Thank goodness for Flickr and the fact that I had uploaded it there. Ok, again, not taken recently. I took this back over the summer. I seriously need to get out there with my camera and start taking some pictures. Between being sick with strep and letting life just overwhelm me, I haven’t done it. Now, no more excuses..hopefully I’ll actually follow the rules for next week’s theme and take it that week. I guess we’ll see what life throws at me with Thanksgiving and company coming in from out of town.

The Sunfield Sentinel

So, this is picture for this week’s theme. This is our newspaper office here in Sunfield. I don’t know if you can see it in the picture, but above where it says The Sunfield Sentinel, it says established 1889. I’d say that’s old! Oooh…speaking of old, Happy Birthday, Justin! *grins and goes to hide before he sees this*


One thought on “(almost) Wordless Wednesday

  1. Hey Katie! Thanks for playing along! I love the color of that building and the typography of the name of it looks cool! Have you checked out this week's?


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