(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Whew! And we made it! It’s Wednesday…for real! Today has been another stressful day, but slowly things are coming together, I hope. I’ve been taking small breaks to do some reading, which is helping me keep it together. Thank goodness I know that the world really isn’t out to get me or I’d hide under these blankets and never come out!

Now, with all of that babbling out of the way, I want to share pictures! I accidently left my camera at my parent’s house on Christmas day so I didn’t take a ton of pictures, but I do have some to share. Over at Sunday Shutterbugs, they finally have a new theme up and I’m excited to say that it’s Holiday! Perfect for this time of year. So, without further yammering on my part, here are some holiday photos from the Roets family.

Roger's gingerbread houseSanta came!Santa's cookies & milkRoger opening presentsBen opening presentsCranberry pumpkin breadCheeseball Snowman

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I’m still planning on writing my Christmas Angels post, but I think I’m going to make that my Finish It Friday post when I wrap up all of the things from 2009 and figure out more of the things for 2010!


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