A number of years ago, before I started writing children’s/all ages books, I used to write what we lovingly called erotica. Now, I joke and just call it smut. I really enjoyed writing it and had a small group of followers who encouraged me to turn those stories into a book.
Recently, I shared an old story with a new friend and they encouraged me to create that book. Honestly, I was and am nervous. What if I’m so rusty that I can’t write like that anymore or what if I publish it and it turns off my current readers so much that they don’t buy any of my other series?
Well, there was only one way to find out. I wrote a new story and shared it with a couple of people that I know really enjoy that type of writing. They loved it! Honestly, that made me feel pretty good. I like writing things that people really enjoy. I decided to go ahead with a project that I’ve joked for years that I would write… Katie’s Book of Bedtime Stories.
It went live on Amazon this afternoon and I’m nervously excited to be sharing it with all of you. Remember, this is very adult content so please don’t buy it for the kiddos! Buy it for yourself, your friends, your partner(s)…
All proceeds will be going to help me attend Writer MBA so buy lots!
For now, there’s more writing to be done! See you soon!