Wow, I didn’t think I was going to get the chance to do it, but I got my second small space done today! My bathroom isn’t totally finished yet, but I am thrilled to present you with the before and after photos of my bathroom drawers/cabinet.

Now, for the questions!
1. What was the hardest part of the challenge for you and were you able to overcome it?
– The hardest part was honestly just taking the time to do it. I’m a master declutterer but I was using all sorts of excuses for not going in there and doing it. I think it only took 20 minutes once I went in. Looking at the photos, I think I succeeded!
2. Tell us what kind of changes/habits you have put into place in order for your area/room to maintain its new order?
– Like with like. I’ve known this rule forever and it’s one that I’ve always practiced. I’m honestly not sure why, when I originally unpacked this room, I didn’t put it into practice. I also got rid of a bunch of stuff that was either expired, empty or we just no longer needed. Less stuff means less clutter.
3. What did you do with the “stuff” you were able to purge out of your newly organized space?
– It went to one of three places: Freecycle (extra samples and usable items), the trash or the recycle bin.
4. What creative storage solutions were you able to introduce in order to create additional space as well as establish some limits and boundaries?
– Hmm..I really don’t think I did anything really creative in this space. Then again, I don’t think it needed it either. It really only needed to be gone through, sorted and either purged or put away. I didn’t need additional space, I needed less stuff.
5. Why do you think you should win this challenge?
– Well, I don’t know if I should but I sure would like to. I’m honestly just thrilled that my space is more functional and that I can now reach in and put my hands on whatever it is that we need. Really, that is a huge reward that and the feeling of peace I feel whenever I open one of those drawers. Now, if someone wanted to give me a prize for found peace, I certainly wouldn’t complain!
It looks great! Nice organizational job!
great job…i'm the worlds worst for putting wayyy too much stuff in cabinets…lol, so I know how that feels. You have it all cleaned up so nice though!
I'm laughing at your line "It looked like someone just opened the door and started throwing stuff in." LOL! That's how it works in OUR house. ;0)
And I'm always amazed how much stuff I pull out from under our sinks, too. Isn't it incredible? Great job purging. That's such an important part, isn't it? =)
good for you getting two spaces done. I had intended to do the same. Sadly, my small space looks just the same as it did one month ago. Actually, I am sure that even more stuff has been stuffed and stacked….