It’s Tuesday but so feels like a Monday. I’m always a little bit thrown off when the boys are here for a four day weekend. Of course, I wouldn’t trade those extra days with them for anything. I love having them here with me and I love the boys that they’re turning out to be. I’ve worried sometimes if my absence while I finished my degree didn’t harm them, but it seems that they’re doing just fine. Granted, it’s not as if they never, ever saw or heard from me for those two years.

Anyway, I want to keep this post kinda short because I want to go do my tackle before I “forget” and don’t do it. What would be so dasterdly, you ask? Well, I need to haul our outside trash can to the curb. Yes, the snow is melting slowly and yes, I did shovel the driveway, but I didn’t shovel up to where the trash can is which means I may have to haul it a few feet through a good foot of snow. Ick! But, it needs to be done. Tomorrow morning is trash pickup and our can is verrrry full. So full, in fact, that I can’t put anything more in it. The excitement never ends, eh?

Once I have that done, I need/want/can’t wait to work on a scrapbook page. I was selected as one of Crop Chocolate’s chocolatiers and once we receive our kit, we have two weeks to create with it. The best part is that you can create anything you want using it. You just have to submit photos of it in progress and completed. I don’t know if they’re accepting anymore people to the “team” but the really nice part about this company is that it wasn’t a competition. If you signed up, you got to be on the team. It’s a really great company with really nice service.

As for my page, I’m keeping it really simple for now. I haven’t done any serious scrapbooking in about 5 years (long story as to why) so I’m easing my way back into it and testing to see if my creativity is still there. Hopefully they are. I had some fun last night playing with chalks and inks and it felt good to just be creative without any pressures.

So now that I’ve babbled on and on, I need to post this and go tackle that trashcan..and hope I don’t end up with a snowy bum for my efforts!


2 thoughts on “Tackle It Tuesday

  1. Getting the garbage to the curb is a weekly struggle in my house too. Hubby alwasy forgets and I can only manage to get out there sometimes.

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