Whew! We made it! It’s Friday again and you know what that means. It means we need to wrap things up so that we can enjoy our weekends. I have a long list of things I want to get done today and it starts right here, on the blog. The first thing I want to finish is this post!

After that, I need to:

  1. Go to Hastings and drop off empty boxes for Peter/Donna.
  2. While there, pick up the boys’ things.
  3. Pick up the boys.
  4. Go to Walmart.
  5. Go to Habitat for Humanity to drop off my volunteer form, register for a shift and see what’s happening in the ReStore.
  6. Go grocery shopping.
  7. Put $10 into the gas tank of the van.
  8. Drive home and unload everything from the van while ignoring the grumbles from the boys.
  9. Enjoy a nice night with the boys.

Then, after they’re in bed, I need to do some blog work. I have some review information that I need to get out to some Etsy shop owners and companies. All in all, it’s going to make for a long day but one that’s worth doing.

How about you? What do you need to finish up so you can enjoy your weekend?

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