(almost) Wordless Wednesday

I know! It’s Thursday! I’m running so far behind with things, but I’m here and that counts, right? It’s just going to get worse…I have a confession to make. My picture, the one below, I didn’t take it today. I didn’t even take it this week. I umm…well, I took it a few weeks ago when I was working on my projects for Crop Chocolate. I’m betting that you want to know what the theme could possibly be for this picture. Is it crafting? Nope. Is it stickers? Nope. If you’ve been following along, you know the theme has to start with G. What starts with G? Green! In this picture, you can see my green paper cutter and even some other bits of green here and there.

Getting Started
And with the posting of this fabulous photo, I now have to head over to Sunday Shutterbugs so that Corinna can come over and tease me for not taking a photo this week! *grins* Then, it’s right back over here to do my Thursday post before Thursday turns into Friday!


2 thoughts on “(almost) Wordless Wednesday

  1. You are in big trouble missy! LOL just kidding. At least it's A picture! Glad you played along.

    I do want to know who makes those letter stickers though!


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