Can you believe this insane weather? Yesterday, it was 81 and tonight I had to scramble to bring in all of my planters because we have a freeze warning! For tonight and tomorrow night! What the heck?
Well, in honor of cold weather, how about a tip for de-icing your windshield?
Instead of shivering out in the cold, while your car idles and adds more and more pollution to our air, mix up a bottle of vinegar and water. Then, when the weather calls for ice, head on out and spray it over your windshield. In fact, you can even replace your wiper fluid with this for during the winter months. You want it to be 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water.
Now, let’s say you forget to go out the night before to spray your windshield. Then, you wake up and go outside to find an icy windshield! Nooo! Ok, that may just be what I yell out when I see it. No worries, just take spray bottle 2, the one you’ve filled with pure vinegar, and spray down that windshield. It will melt the ice and there’s no need for you to freeze your fingers and toes off!
Want a great way to get those gross splatted bugs off your windshield in the Summer? Put 3 cups of vinegar in your wiper fluid reservoir for a sparkling windshield every time you spray it!
Do you have any great going green tips? Post them and then link back here!
I've never ever heard of this! I am totally gonna file this away for future reference.