Happy Saturday, everyone. I hope it’s gorgeous for all of you. The rain held off here which allowed me to attempt to mow my front yard. I say attempt because I think my new lawn mower is afraid of grass. That’s right, afraid of grass. A couple of weeks ago, I gave our gas mower back to my ex-husband. I couldn’t get it to work and figured he had a much better chance at it than I had. Then, I went to the Hastings Habitat for Humanity ReStore and bought a “new” lawnmower. You’ll never believe this, but it’s electric. It runs off of a rechargeable battery. How awesome is that?
Well, not super awesome when you can’t figure out how to start it and then once you master that, it acts grass phobic. The darned thing starts right up but as soon as you go to put it on grass, it stalls out. This is not helpful in my desire to get the lawn mowed before the village fines me for not doing it.
Don’t worry, I’m not giving up on this poor lawnmower. I’m charging the second battery right now and on Monday, I’ll try this process again. I love the idea of an electric lawnmower. It’s so much more environmentally friendly. How do you all save the Earth when you’re doing yardwork?