Ahhh, life at the Roets homestead. It feels as if there’s is never a dull moment. Last night, oh the Oh Team, they were giving away passes to an adults only camping retreat (valued at $275) and I won! I was so excited, I could barely sleep last night. Of course, it means I have even more to get accomplished in the next couple of weeks. The neverending list grew by about 30 components that now *have* to get accomplished. Did I mention I’m gone allll next week? Sheesh!

So, what’s on my tackle list? Laundry. I need to get it started. I also need to sit down with the website for this camping weekend and make a list of anything/everything I need to know about it. I love websites, but in this case, I can put multiple site pages into one small spreadsheet and be able to quick reference it later.
As always, lots to do and just me to do it so I’m off to get to work!


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