It’s Wednesday and I’m spending another day at the Hastings Public Library. It’s such a fantastic library and I’m wishing that I still lived within district so that I could use it. I’m very tempted to have Peter get the boys their library cards here again and then we could get books and movies from here. The library in Sunfield is ok but it’s so small and their hours are so limited. It’s one of the downsides to living there. Tomorrow will be my last day hanging out here and all I can say is that I’m glad that they’re here.
Another thing I’m glad of is that I didn’t run over the guy in the pictures below. This week’s photo theme is Move(ment). Roger and I took these photos in our backyard. I was out mowing down the last of the field when I happened to look down after pulling back the mower. Sitting right where I had just mowed was this fellow. It took us about 5 minutes but we finally got him to move over into the flower beds where he’d be safe.

Glad it wasn't me that ran across this little fellow.