Welcome back to the blog, folks. I’m so sorry for skipping out on you over the past couple of weeks. Camping didn’t go as well as I’d expected and on top of the emotional turmoil, I came back with a very, very bad sunburn. I couldn’t move because of pain for a few days and then I’ve been dealing with the other physical side effects. Emotionally, I’m still a bit of a wreck but I’m holding out hope that the relationships can and will be repaired soon.
Now, let’s get to the menu for this week. The boys are with their dad until Thursday so it’s going to be really simple cooking. So, let’s see what we’ve got:
Monday – n/a
Tuesday – Pasta
Wednesday – Rice
Thursday – Ravioli
Friday – Pizza
Saturday – Lasagna
Sunday – Cheeseburgers
Seems simple? Well, it is. I’ll toss some veggies with things and it will all be yum yum yummy!
Welcome back, hope all is ok.