(almost) Wordless Wednesday

So, some of you may have noticed that I’ve missed some Wordless Wednesday posts. In fact, I think I just counted and somehow, I’ve missed the last 6 themes over at Sunday Shutterbugs. Well, today I’m going to make up for that.

So, without further ado, three of the missed themes. First, we have Macro:

Brownie Cow
It’s not the best macro photo I’ve ever done, but it’s a favorite one with my kids. Roger “created” this guy one day when we were having a snack and I love his creativity and his demand that we take a photo.

Now, on to Nature:

Mom, is it time for ghost stories yet?
Ok, don’t tell anyone, but this is really our backyard. The boys and I badly wanted to go camping this summer, but couldn’t afford to go to a proper camp ground. So, we set up the tent in the backyard and pretended we were out in Nature. Let me tell you, the mosquitos didn’t know any different!

Last picture in my plan to catch up? Noun:

Octopus sculpture

Here we go. The octopus sculpture that’s across the street from the library in Hastings. It just seems so cheerful and happy and always makes me smile when I drive past it. One of these days, I’m going to stop and get a really good photo of it. But, for now, that’s 3 weeks of themes all caught up and I hope you enjoy them!

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