So, some of you may have noticed that I’ve missed some Wordless Wednesday posts. In fact, I think I just counted and somehow, I’ve missed the last 6 themes over at Sunday Shutterbugs. Well, today I’m going to make up for that.
So, without further ado, three of the missed themes. First, we have Macro:

It’s not the best macro photo I’ve ever done, but it’s a favorite one with my kids. Roger “created” this guy one day when we were having a snack and I love his creativity and his demand that we take a photo.

Ok, don’t tell anyone, but this is really our backyard. The boys and I badly wanted to go camping this summer, but couldn’t afford to go to a proper camp ground. So, we set up the tent in the backyard and pretended we were out in Nature. Let me tell you, the mosquitos didn’t know any different!