Tackle It Tuesday – Week 1 Challenge

Hey everyone! It’s another Tuesday and since I did get a few responses saying they would be interested, today will start our first of many, many cleaning and organizing challenges. Since I have to prepare for a move, I will certainly be doing this right along side all of you.  I do need to mention that these challenges are in no related to the fabulous ladies over at 5minutesformom.com. These are all me.  I’m posting them on Tuesdays because well, these are all areas I need to tackle each week and as I prepare to start packing.

This week’s challenge is one that I know all of us can tackle! We’re going to find one space in our house where everything just seems to get dumped. Ok, if your house is like my house, that can be two or three places, but this week, I just want you to choose one.  I chose my kitchen table:

Now, I suspect you might be thinking that it doesn’t look too bad. Well, I will confess that last night, I decided to go out and remove all of the holiday decorations that had been adding to the clutter. Yes, I am still putting away holiday decorations, but that’s another challenge.  In fact, I’m going to share that challenge with you. If you have not gotten all your decorations down and put away yet, get to it! Clear out the space in your home to make room for other things that make you smile!  My goal is to have all of mine out into the barn by the end of the weekend. It should be sooner but I have to take the weather into account.

Ok, now back to this week’s challenge. Ready? I want you to find your spot, clear it off, polish it up and then keep it like that for a week. Think you can do it? I know you can! As for me, I”m going to go tackle mine right now and then next week, I’ll share my after photo as well as the before one for next week’s challenge! Good luck and make sure you come back and share your links with me! It’s good to feel that none of us are in this alone.


PS Today is the 12 year anniversary of my son’s death. I’ve chosen not to post about it this year, but if you’re looking for the post about it, you can find it here.

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