(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Ok, I know that technically it’s Thursday but I’m blaming the snot monster for making me forget to post this yesterday. I actually had the picture all ready to go and then bam! I woke up sick and just plum forgot.

February’s theme over at Sunday Shutterbugs is Red. Interesting theme, I’d say being that February has Valentine’s and Heart Health Awareness and all of that good stuff. I had this picture in mind that I wanted to take but the lighting is never right when I go past the area. I’m hoping to get it though before the month is out to share with all of you.  Until then…Here is this week’s Red photograph:

I snapped this on Monday in Roger’s 4th grade class. They had all of their Valentine bags lined up on the chalkboard ledge. I love how this photo makes them look like they’re suspended in space. Ok, off to write the post that was supposed to go up today! See you all in just a few minutes. 😉


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