Wow, long time no see on that graphic, huh? I’ve been a total blog slacker and one of the things I’ve slacked on is this post. That’s pretty crazy since it’s a post that I feel so strongly about. Then again, I feel pretty strongly about all of my themes or I wouldn’t write them, huh?

Ok, well now that we have that covered, I need to tell you something. Are you ready? Ok, well here it is. I’m sick. Yep, me. I’ve been battle this for about a week and it finally took me down. However, I may be down but I’m not out. I’m not letting it defeat me or the progress I’ve been making for my health.

With that in mind, my time for me today is going to last all day because I’m making it my goal today to drink 4-5 water bottles full of water. This is going to take care of me. The water will keep me hydrated and help flush all the ickiness out of my body. Hooray for byebye to ickiness!

So, tell me, how are you going to take care of yourself today? What are you going to do to pamper yourself? Make sure you let me know by blogging about it and then coming back here to leave me a link to come check out! Just like with our Tuesday challenges, if I get a few of you regularly doing these posts, I’ll add a linky for you.

I’m off to fill up my water bottle for the first bottle of the day!

2 thoughts on “Time for Me Thursday

  1. thats a great goal , i think my way to pamper myself would be to enjoy warm showers and to spend time daily reading

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