Ahh…Wednesday..the middle of the work week for most and the middle of my picking kids up from school week. I love being able to do that now but wow, it has goofed up my schedule and I am still working at putting it back together. It probably doesn’t help that I’ve now become a bit of a workout junkie (trust me, on a small scale) and have gone from working out once or twice a week to up to five times. In fact, once I hit publish on this post, that’s right where I’m headed. Insane, isn’t it?
Now, one of the bonuses of driving into town every day is that for the past few weeks, every time I’ve passed this one section of road, there have been anywhere from 6 to 20 deer eating in this field. Sadly, now that the snow has melted, I haven’t really seen them. One day, I couldn’t resist and I stood by the side of the road taking pictures. They’re not the best because you can only get so close to deer before they bolt. Â However, I did take this picture and I think it works great for the nature theme over at Sunday Shutterbugs.
Have a great Wednesday all! I’m off to see what EA Sports Active 2 has in store for me today.
Aw, he looks like a young one. We have a conservation park near our house where we can take photos of deer anytime and they'll stand there and pose for you SO CLOSE because they're not scared of us. It's fabulous.