After my last post, my heart has been hurting and my mind has been spinning. I had the opportunity to talk with Graham and I’m glad that I did. We’ve both realized that time is a blessing and if we don’t take our chances now, the chance might not be there later. So, I’ve been thinking…What do I want to do with my life?
For the first time ever, I’m going to put it down into writing. What it is that I want to do with my life right now. Consider this to be a bit like What I See Myself Doing in 5 Years. Did anyone besides me hate those essays in school? Even then, I didn’t have the first clue what I wanted to do with my life. Well, after a lot of thought, I have some idea and I want to share it with you. I’m going to put it out into the universe and see how it feels.
1. I want to write. I’ve spent major portions of my life writing and it’s something that I love to do. I actually started a book. I want to pull that out and start typing it up and adding to it. I want to share things with the world. More than that, I want to write for a website. Specifically, I want to write and work for There, I said it. I don’t believe that it’s any great secret, but for the first time, I’ve made it a declarative statement and not a joking one.
2. I want to teach. I don’t think that this one will surprise very many people either. I don’t want to get a degree in it. I want to teach at conferences. I want to share what I know.
3. I want to learn to bootblack. I know that this seems totally random but those closest to me will understand that it’s not.
4. I want to get back on air. I don’t want to do a daily show anymore but I do miss dj’ing and I want to sign on and do a show from time to time. More than just music, I would love to incorporate an advice segment.
5. I want to be more open and transparent. For a variety of reasons, I have hidden certain aspects of my life and I no longer have a desire to do so. I don’t know that it’s possible right now to be 100% transparent but I would like to work towards that goal.
6. I want to travel. I want to attend conferences. I want to attend events, both in the more hidden aspects of my life and the more public ones. I would love to see me combine 2, 3 and 6 and/or various aspects of those.
7. I want to learn Irish. I started and stopped and keep making excuses for why I haven’t picked it up again.
8. I want to be me. I’m pretty good at it and it’s time that I let other people see that I’m good at it too. I have talents and abilities and it’s time to share those with the world.
When I grow up, I want to do all of these things. Step 1 is done. I’ve put them down into writing. I’ve shared them with all of you. Now, it’s up to me to put them into action. It’s time to stop wasting my talents and my abilities and to use them. Time is a precious gift and I’ve been squandering it, assuming there will always be a tomorrow. My friends, sometimes tomorrow doesn’t come and so we have to appreciate and live now.
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So sorry to hear of some really tough things going on in your life. However, it is great to see you write these goals. Seeing them in print helps make them real! Keeping you in my prayers!