Tackle It Tuesday : Clean Life Challenge Week 4

Can y’all believe that we’re already on week 4? I feel like this year is already speeding up and flying by even faster than last year! How did y’all do on Week 3? I admit that I didn’t get mine done until Sunday afternoon. I had the boys here for a 4 day weekend and it always feels like chaos ensues. I wouldn’t change having them here though. I just have to learn how to fit things in. We did do 6 loads of laundry though! We still have quite a bit more to do but at least we all have clean clothes now! We also have this:

That’s right! Open space! I threw out a bunch of things and shifted some of the rest. The only thing left up on that shelf is 2.5 boxes of lasagna noodles. That’s the major inspiration for me adding lasagna to my menu list for this week. The boys will be here and they love it, plus I certainly have some of the ingredients on hand! Time to use up some of that.

For this upcoming week, we’re headed into our bathrooms. If you’re like me, you have at least one drawer in there that starts out organized and yet somehow becomes the bathroom junk drawer. I totally admit to having one. In fact, do you want to see it? Here it is:

Yep, there it is in all its..glory? Pill bottles, kids shower stuff and who knows what else. Time to sort through that and put it back to a condition where I can actually find things. Since I have medications in that drawer and you might too, I’m going to remind us all that there are right and wrong ways to dispose of medications. If you’re unsure on what to do with something, check out what the FDA has to say.

Until next week, happy organizing your way to a house full of yay locations!

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