Tackle It Tuesday : Clean Life Challenge Week 5

Sometimes life gets busy and that’s why I’m so thankful for this challenge. Yes, I know that it’s my challenge and I wrote it all up, but I’m thankful that when I had the time, I took the time to do it. It means that no matter what else happens, I have one task that I make sure gets done every week. I intentionally chose tasks that shouldn’t take days to get accomplished. Because of that, I can present to you, my finished bathroom drawer:

There it is! All tidied and organized. You might remember that I had those little bins in there before. The problem was that they kept sliding around and then when the kids would slam the drawer shut, as kids do, they’d even fall over sometimes. This week, I took thirty seconds and fixed that problem.

Yep! I velcroed those suckers right to the bottom of the drawer. Now, they’re stable but if I ever wanted to remove them or move them, it’s no big deal. I’m still on the lookout for the right sized container to stick into the back of the drawer to hold extra vitamins and things that are only used once in a while.

Once I finished that, I scooted into our laundry room to snap my before picture for the new challenge. This week, we’ll be going into our laundry rooms, storage centers or hall closets. We’re going to tackle one shelf and get it cleaned off, cleared out of junk and spiffied up with only things we need, use and love. For me, this one is going to be a challenge. I haven’t even looked at this shelf since we moved in nearly 3 years ago. I think I want to use it to store household tools and extra cleaning products, but I’m not 100% sure yet. Guess it’s a good thing I have a week to figure it out, huh?

My shelf is so long that I had to take 2 before shots. Here they are:

Look at the variety of items on those shelves! I see playdough, litter box liners, pieces to my vacuum and who knows what else. Sheesh! I think it was more than time for this challenge to roll around. What do you guys think?


2 thoughts on “Tackle It Tuesday : Clean Life Challenge Week 5

  1. I saw a great idea on Pinterest to use an over the door shoe organizer and it made such a difference on my linen closet I decided to put one up in my laundry room. Cleaners, batteries, first aid products, winter hats, gloves….the pockets hold a good range of items and make everything easy to see/find/put away.

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