Comic Book Review: Dusk Vol. 1

Ahh Dusk…one of my favorite times of day and the title of a new to me comic book series. Just check out that cover. Doesn’t it just ooze dark mystery and maybe just a bit of sex appeal? Maybe?

This is Dusk vol. 1, another interesting tidbit that was sent home with me from C2E2. It is also the next in our list of comic book reviews.

According to the publisher’s website, the summary to Dusk goes something like this: As a battered wife, Eve’s only concern was to keep her marriage together. But when she is kidnapped into the sordid supernatural world of vampires and foul magic, Eve finds she doesn’t want to leave. Her mysterious benefactor, the Vampire Lord Ash, wishes her to have a normal life; but Eve chooses to stay in the service of Ash. Dusk is the story of Eve’s challenges living in the darkness, a supernatural action/drama done in a dynamic blending of the sequential art styles of American Comics and Japanese Manga. Several artists help tell these stark noir tales of Vampires and unrequited love.

Now, for what I thought about it.

The Good – This is another book full of potential to be so much more than it is. The stories are good. They pull you in. You want to know more about who Eve is and who Ash is and what the heck are these vampires up to. Personally, I also love the cover on this book. I know that sounds like I can’t come up with anything better to say, but it’s true. Art in comic books is so important. The art carries the stories and sometimes it can make or break a story. The cover art on this piece (once I realized he was holding blood vials and not batteries), made me want to open it up and see what was inside. Ok, even before I realized they were blood vials, I wanted to know. I mean, after all, what does a vampire need with a handful of AA batteries?

The Bad – The stories, while each interesting on their own, didn’t always seem to connect. They left me wanting more, which is good, but confused which isn’t so good. Also, the inks in the first half of the book make the story really hard to follow. There was an overuse of black which made the images hard to see. This is a black and white printed book, which was fun to see, but the over use of black was tough.

The Summary – If you’re into vampires and comic books, this one might interest you. While there were flaws, I believe that was a first book and y’all know I’m far more tolerant on first books than on later ones. My suggestion? Check this one out and if you like it, track down the second book that was recently released. I have high hopes that the author/publisher has corrected the problems in the next book. In fact, I heard a rumor that someone I actually know did some inking for the 2nd book so I’m hoping to get my fingers on it so I can let y’all know how it turned out. I’ve heard the author/publisher will be at the Phoenix Comicon so I may just have to see if I can perky my way into another review for them.

Until then, if you’re interested in learning more about this series, check out the publisher’s website.


I received a copy of this book in exchange for this reviews. Vampires did not influence me in any unnatural way to say what I did. This means that yes, all comments, thoughts, ramblings, etc belong 100% to me. I was not under any sort of mind control when I suggested to check this book out for yourself. 

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