Clean Life, Clean House Challenge – Week 28 – Make Up Week!

Week 28?!? We are somehow over halfway through this year and I honestly don’t have the first clue how that even went and happened. It’s been a mad whirlwind and it’s just been over the past couple of weeks that I’ve been starting to feel like I have some control over things again. This is a good thing. It means that things are getting done. Things  getting done means that I’m a calmer, more contented person. All in all..things are good.

So, know what that means? I got last week’s challenge done! Now, I’ll confess and say that some of the items were stacked in another location. This is because I need to come up with some new organizational plan for “The Wall” aka my studio aka the office. That and I need to do some purging in there. For now though, here is my finished space!

Ta da! I have space! It’s a lovely thing. This week will be a continuation of the never ending attempt at catching up on laundry. Since it’s also a make up week, I’m going to go back and tackle one of my drawers. It’s time to purge some clothes and to just generally tidy it up so that I can actually fit the clean clothes in the drawer again! Let’s see if I can score a picture of my top drawer for you…I’m honestly a bit afraid to open it up and see just how bad it’s gotten…

Hmm..I suppose it could be worse but there is certainly work to be done. I wonder when the last time I purged this drawer was..Well, I guess next week I’ll be able to answer that question for you. Until then, don’t forget that I love to see your before and after pictures, so please feel free to link up to your posts here!


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