Comic Book Review: Cash & Carry

“There’s a lot David Diangelo doesn’t know about his latest Odd Job. He doesn’t know how many people are trying to intercept him and the case he carries. He doesn’t know the case he’s been hired to deliver to a law firm in Las Vegas is an empty decoy. And he doesn’t know that the road ahead holds only pain, heartache…and murder.”

Everyone loves a noir style murder mystery type book, right? Maybe? Well, if not, you really don’t know what you’re missing. You ought to check out the genre and let me give you a good place to start.

The Good: The story. Honestly, I let this one sit in the magic review bag for a while since I wasn’t sure how much I’d enjoy it. That was my mistake. I picked up this book to waste some time while waiting for football practice to start. Don’t tell my youngest, but I missed some of his practice because I didn’t put it down until I was done.

The Bad: The first panels show our characters already in a situation. This could throw or put some people off.

The Summary: If you’re looking for an old fashioned, black and white, what’s going to happen next type story, this is one that you’re going to want to look into getting your fingers on. It’s gritty. It’s paranoia blended with panic to take you on a trip that you hope you survive until the end.

To find out more about the author, you can check out his website. To purchase the book, head on over to Amazon where you can even score free shipping!


I honestly can’t remember if I was convinced to purchase this book or if the author graciously gave me a copy for the purpose of this review. I will, however, state that the fact that a box of cheezy bread got left on this book, causing it to smell delicious, had nothing to do with anything positive in this review. All comments, thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.

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