This post brought to you by Buffalo Wild Wings. All opinions are 100% mine.

bdubs_newlogo_black_hor.jpg Football season is upon us, people! Are you like me and happy for Fall and yet a bit like ugh, this means how many weeks of my oldest taking over the television? Ok, truth be told, I like football. Unlike other people I know (looks pointedly at her oldest child), I’m ok with not watching every single televised game by our favorite teams. If I catch a few games each season and the Super Bowl, I’m pretty content. It could be from years of being in marching band, but I get grumbly when I don’t get to see half time shows and instead have to listen to commentators.

It’s been brought to my attention that there might be a solution to this problem. Instead of staying home and playing couch quarterback, I could load the family up in the van and head into Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and the game. The boys could happily watch the action on the numerous tvs..and I could enjoy some food while they’re surrounded by other rabid sports nuts. Hmm…this could work…

Then again, I could send the boys off with their dad for dinner (he likes eating out still, I think!) and mom could curl up on the couch with a book. Who knows, if I asked really nice, they might even get me some wings or something to go! Yes, I can see this plan working out. They’d get the game, the chance to eat out while being surrounded by televisions and other sports fans and mom could get in a long shower followed by some me time…

What are your plans for this football season? Will you stay home or go out? Drop me a comment and let me know!

And don’t forget…Protect the football. Get to B-Dubs!

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