Phantom Lover

by Kfir Luzzatto

genre: Paranormal Detective Series

It was bad enough, I can assure you, finding a half-naked ectoplasm sitting at my desk, but she had to talk nonsense too.

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by Kfir Luzzatto

genre: Paranormal Detective Series

“Where the hell are they coming from?”
When Frankie asked a question, it always sounded like he was placing the blame on someone—me, in this case. Instead of answering, I squashed the white mouse that had just climbed out of his coffee cup. The mouse had the consistency of putty and felt like it; no bloodshed was involved in the squashing.

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Meet the Author:

Kfir was born and raised in Italy, and moved to Israel as a teenager. He acquired the love for the English language from his father, a former U.S. soldier and WWII veteran, a voracious reader and a prolific writer.

With a PhD in chemical engineering and a long family history that he needs to live up to, Kfir work as a patent attorney and heads the patent law firm that was established by his great-grandfather in Milan, Italy, in 1869. Kfir lives in Omer, Israel, with his full-time partner, Esther, their four children, Michal, Lilach, Tamar and Yonatan, and the dog Elvis.

Writing has always been Kfir’s passion and for almost four years he wrote a weekly “Patents” column in Globes (Israel’s financial newspaper), which also yielded his only (if he can help it) non-fiction book, THE WORLD OF PATENTS, (a not-so-boring tale of what patents are about, in Hebrew), which was published in 2002 by Globes Press.

Kfir loves writing short stories but has too many novels waiting to be written (and possibly not enough years ahead of him to write them all), so now he mostly writes full-length fiction. His other passion is working with other authors on stories he loves and that’s how he wound up serving on the editorial board of The Harrow Press as Anthology Editor.

You can read about Kfir’s books here. He loves them all, but never had greater fun than when working on “HAVE BOOK WILL TRAVEL”, a YA fantasy that he wrote together with his son, Yonatan.

Follow on Twitter: @KfirLuzzatto

Find Kfir on Facebook:

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Kfir’s Smashwords page: HERE

Kfir’s Literary Addicts page: HERE


Sometimes it’s wonderful to come across something totally different from anything that you’ve read in a while. That’s just what I found in Kfir Luzzatto’s Phantom Lover. The book is comprised of two short stories, both about a private investigator named Dave. In both cases, he deals with something out of the paranormal and does so with a certain sense of gritty humor. As someone who can be easily spooked by things that go bump in the dark, I was relieved to find that these not only didn’t spook me, but made me hope that there are more to this series! In fact, while you check out this book, I think I’m going to see what I can find….


I received a copy of this book through the Promotional Book Tours program. All thoughts, comments and opinions are my own.
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